Little Sister

This is our other cat, Coney. Since I posted recently about Edena it only seemed fair that I do the same for his sister. As you can probably surmise from the photo, they are not biological siblings. She is about 9 years old. She was a feral kitten who my partner saved but because of her early malnutrition she was a little stunted and is not the brightest among furry ones. However, she is quite lovely and gets along very well with Mr. Ed. Her name derives from the episode of 'The Simpsons' where Homer enters the third dimension and is stabbed in the butt by an airborne conical shape which he plucks out and throws away, saying, "Take that, Coney!", and which proceeds to pierce the fabric of the universe. Her tail as a small kitten was the very same shape as Homer's cone.
Her most amusing routine, of several, is as follows: She will climb a tree and, hugging the trunk like a koala, make unusual chirping noises, pretending to be a bird in hopes of drawing one close enough to catch. The big black crows on the protruding branch nearby will just watch her, wondering at such obvious feline folly.
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