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Location: Melbourne, Australia

writer, actor, poseur

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My Holiday by Edels, mental-age zero

I was in Queensland again, over the Xmas period, up ’til New Year’s Eve’s eve. Familial visitations. The weather, usually unfit for an Edels of my Irish-stock physique, was unseasonably acceptable, warm but not excessively hot, and not very humid; except for the last two days, which were not feral, yet, still, not to my liking. I still needed the air conditioning most of the time, but could handle it when it was not available so long as a fan was.

We spent Xmas Eve with Shantoo’s family, Xmas Day with my family, and Beat-’Em-Brutally-With-Boxes Day back with Shantoo’s family at her Aunty L’s house in the mountains.

Shantoo and I stayed at the house of one of my sister’s on the night of Xmas Day, where I drank excessively, something which I had only recently been able to do, and this is due, I believe, to the fact that I now know I have type-2 diabetes and am on medication and a better diet (except for the boozing, but, hey, it was the festive season!). I actually need to improve my diet some more still, but I have an appointment with diabetes specialist and dietician type humans next month so that should help me out there. More on this ailment in another post.

(And some of this post has been shamelessly pilfered by me from Shantoo’s blog, so apologies to those who may be hearing some of the same stories twice.)

Apparently, at Shantoo’s family’s house the festivities were not going so well. Her sister, T, loves playing pool volleyball whenever there is a gathering so she and her sister, C, and her 70-something plastic surgery victim Aunty B all got in the pool and were playing when C sister asked if anyone minded if she played topless, and there were no objections. After a while, however, Aunty B got jealous and declared her boobs to be just as good as Shantoo’s youngest sister’s and took her top off as well! Sister C was horrified that her 70-something year-old Aunty was taking her top off in front of her 29 year-old boyfriend. Shantoo’s family is a little bit ‘normal’ perhaps, but only a little.

… Okay, instalment 4 coming tomorrow, kiddlies!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday for yesterday Edels!


1:27 pm  
Blogger S. Gregory said...

R: Thank-you, Monsier 'Rated'!

6:47 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent post if I do say so myself! No really I think your version is better then mine. LOVE!

12:04 pm  

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