Yeah, It's...

Yes, this is a box of ‘Yes’. It contains a white powder speckled with blue. What is it? “It could be for making all your dreams come true, I guess,” I considered. On the other hand, as macabre and controversial as it may sound, I couldn’t help thinking also, “Something for date-rapists?” Or maybe it is merely a concentrated laundry detergent as it says on the box. Maybe. It’s an Australian product but I’d never encountered it before, even though I also am an Australian product. My birth mother was Irish and I don’t know what my birth father was but I was born in Toowoomba, town of flowers, like that Geoffrey Rush chap who tries to be as excellent as I.
As may be gleaned from my Blogger profile, I like human-made objects. Not all of them, of course. Not trucks. Well, not aesthetically, at any rate. Or environmentally, unless they’re the renewable resource powered ones; but how many of those traverse our highways? And utes depress me. G-strings repulse me. Anal-flossing? Gross! Despite that technically it is not human-made in the sense I am talking about, still, though, I adore the female ass. (I am drooling as I type, actually. Ouch! Just suffered an electric shock. Although, strangely, it didn’t elicit pleasure from anywhere ILlicit, like my glans, for instance, from which orifice I was also drooling. Whoops! Did I write that out loud? Now, where was I? Oh, that's right, Earth. So...)
The fact is, certain human-made items appeal to me. Aesthetically. Sensually. Scientifically. Intellectually. I am kind of materialistic, to be honest, although I don’t think it is in a negative way; just like how we are all, to some degree, selfish, and that’s another word that has garnered a misleadingly negative connotation.
So, anyway, here is a box of ‘Yes’. Available only on the mad planet named Earth.
And maybe also on some other planets that we don’t know much about.
Oh, yes, and also quite possibly in a parallel universe.
Or an alternate reality.
Or just inside your mind. Turn the bend and you can't miss it. I turned the bend years ago and I haven't missed my mind at all.
There is nothing like subliminal advertising gone horribly wrong, or band merchandising that doesn't take off.
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