My Photo
Location: Melbourne, Australia

writer, actor, poseur

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Writer's Block Outside The Apartment Block

Yesterday I posed for that young scamp, Toxic Lash, in a beautifully disgusting photograph series detailing a writer sitting at his antique typewriter suffering writer's block who starts vomiting alphabet pasta letters and ends up spewing up a storm of carrot and tomato chunks mixed in with the 'Alphaghetti'. He started out blocked but before you know it the pasta phrases "BULLSHIT" and "TRUTH AND BEAUTY" have poured from his mouth.

The shoot was undertaken outside the apartment block across the road where the afternoon sunlight was still good. It was peak-hour and the traffic would come regularly to a standstill, allowing the commuters fine opportunity for inspecting the activities. I noticed several smirks. At one point my neighbour walked past with her daughter and stopped to view the spectacle of me soaking my shirt and grey woollen vest in faux vomit dribbled from my cheesy, tomatoey gob, and tried to explain to her young-un why the hell we so-called adults were behaving this way in public. When Hissy Kitty, assistant to the photographer, offered them the unopened tins of 'Alphaghetti' that were left over from our endeavour, they declined. I can't imagine what may have turned them off such a culinary treat.

It will take about four weeks for the photos to be ready so that's why there is no example here to show you at the moment. And your stomach heaves, yes, but 'tis fortunately only a sigh of relief!


Blogger Darkneuro said...

That actually sounds like a lot of fun. I can just imagine them shouting 'Work it baby, work it!' at you ;)

1:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can just imagine the letters falling into the type-writer's role bar and out streaming longs strands of fettucini, and a plump Italian mama on the other side collecting it.


11:27 am  
Blogger S. Gregory said...

DN: It was the dirtiest fun I'd had with my clothes on in ages.

R: It wasn't quite like that but that would have made a good photo for the series, to be sure.

8:25 pm  
Blogger S. Gregory said...

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10:54 pm  

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