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Location: Melbourne, Australia

writer, actor, poseur

Monday, March 05, 2007

On Hooky

Didn’t go to uni. today. I only had a one-hour lecture for Writing Fiction. I’d like to attend them all but it’s really the tutorials of this subject that are, for me, the important classes not to miss. Being that I have been out of high school and working at my writing for, ooh, about three or sixteen years, I feel that I am, frankly, less in need of attend these second-year lectures than most of my younger fellow scholars. In fact, let me face it, this subject is gonna be a bit of a breeze. And, no, there is no chance that they shall prove to be ‘famous last words’, I dare posit, touch wood, and may I try to resist causing that parasol leaning against the stereo cabinet nearby to bloom indoors.

I didn’t go to uni. today because my back muscles went haywire again yesterday. That will teach me for standing bent over for too long whilst shaving the missus’ legs! Oh, yes, indeed it shall, for I shall never help her like that again! … Oh, it’s the standing bent over part of the equation that elicited the bastardly response from my back? Well, shhh… Any chance to get out of chores… Nah! I actually enjoy the satisfying “chipper-chop! chipper-chop” of the electronic razor as it snips against the leg like a small shears-scissor through iron filings.

But mi back. Aww, mi POOR back!!!


Blogger Darkneuro said...

Using an electric? You can buzz anywhere, dear. Really. Like sitting on the bed, holding her leg up reeeeealllllly high.
No reason to hurt your back, really. Not with an electric.

12:41 pm  
Blogger S. Gregory said...

DN: There is too a reason! ... Idjicy! =-]

11:23 pm  

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