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Location: Melbourne, Australia

writer, actor, poseur

Monday, June 18, 2007

We Two Are Four From Twins

I am now two Uncles. Shantoozy is now two Aunts. On Thursday, my brother and sister-in-law were the recipients of miniature twin female humans. Not that I support anyone thwacking out more than one child - in fact, I am steadfastly against such idiocy on this horribly people-plagued planet - yet the sporadic occurance of twins, triplets, etc., being unintentional, is as welcome as any singular birthing. Shantoozy and I shall meet them in about a month or so when we fly up North for familial visitations. I shall attempt to inform them about the original "Star Wars" trilogy in an attempt to warn them early against the abominable so-called 'special' editions from the Nineties. Yes, they shall learn much of use from their wise Uncle Me.

In other news, I hear that Britain's Queen who don't play majestic rock'n'roll tapped something sharp a few times and then did arise Sir Salman Rushdie. Well, I'm sure that the author of the magnificent "Midnight's Children" should find it all a bit of silly fun, so, why not, eh? (At the risk of being an embarrassment to Sir Sal, I ended that sentence thus because I couldn't be bothered trying to extract an intelligent comment from my fractured brain; and aren't you glad I explained that?)

News the third: I have yet due four asses (as I call my uni. assignments for short), having procured extensions obtainable because of the tiring stress of being me at present. Fear not, for I am fine despite, and am handling the craziness of my life by the grace of the Divine Powers of the universe and beyond, whilst utilising a wondrous capacity for consuming diet ice creams. I need to kick these asses in themselves and get them bared for lecture-ous eyes to critique! Then I shall be free to ... well, by the time I'm finished them all I shall be free to start more, for semester 2 will have surely begun. Errggghhhh!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I used to call them "asininements".


7:47 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

R: I think you still will be calling them that and worse when you come to mark them.

E: I will give you all the love and tea you require to ensure you kick their asses asap. But not to much of the love, as this might be counter productive. ;-)

1:04 pm  
Blogger Darkneuro said...

Twins, eh? Better them than me... At least, that's how I think of them. it's best to be Uncle or Aunt... You can spoil rotten then hand back without guilt. :D

8:17 am  
Blogger S. Gregory said...

Rupert: Indeed, that sounds apt enough for most of 'em!

Shantoozy: The love may be counter-productive, yet somewhat more pleasurable. Now git an' make me some tea! (hehe.)

Dark Neuro: I completely and utterly agree! I shall continue to do all I can to ensure I never ever have brats of my own. No offence to Rupert but I'm glad it's him and not I who has freshly soiled nappies on his hands (again)! :-D

10:59 pm  

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