Daisies In The Gutter

My Photo
Location: Melbourne, Australia

writer, actor, poseur

Saturday, June 24, 2006

I'd Sooner Watch That Faux Comedy, "Friends"

Grrr! I’m sick of having crap friends! I do have good friends but I’m speaking here of the crap ones, past and present. The liars, the egomaniacs, the selfish, the deceptive … the genuine crazies, and these people are all genuinely crazy in one way or another. Then there’s the crap associate friends. You know the ones – they’re most often the partner of either a crap or non-crap friend, and they are fucking annoying.

Grrr! The dickhead who assures you that you can temporarily store your furniture and full packing boxes at his parents’ house but who then, at the eleventh hour, realises you cannot, thus costing you a few hundred dollars in storage fees you could have otherwise re-arranged things to have avoided paying, but who gets seriously mad at you because you didn’t collect his broken umbrella that you accidentally left at a mutual acquaintance’s house for a couple of days, even though he had told you that he would collect it himself!

Or, the immature ’knuckle who won’t let any male smoke a joint with his girlfriend if he’s not there, in the highly improbable case that they shall end up having sex together!

Or … well, I could go on, but I trust that you get the idea.

Oh, I’m such a soft-hearted fool at times! Okay, that sounds melodramatic but it is true that I’ve been taken advantage of by supposed friends, which has upset me, of course, but I would rather be the kind of fool I am than the cold and callous kind like these folks. These people think that a stony demeanour casts the sure line to success, but they are wrong; there are plenty of people who’ve achieved contentment (which is generally what one is ultimately looking for in success) while being nice, empathetic human beings, and I don’t believe that the assholes ever truly achieve this goal.

I’ve been forced to discard a number of relationships over the years because of the comparatively severe manufacturing flaws, as I here loosely phrase them, in those certain people. If this sounds like I myself am being a bit cold, well, I guess I am, but only because sometimes one has to look upon and react to a life situation with an element of objectivity – I have learned that this is true, for, unfortunately, without such an ability for self-preservation the ‘softer’ people would be pummelled and the human race would, ultimately, be quashed in the furious scurry of foot upon forehead performed by those granite-hearted nincompoops trying futilely to be the ‘best’. ‘Softer’ shouldn’t mean ‘weaker’, in such respects; it’s like vinyl and porcelain dropped on the floor. Anyway, ‘forced’ is the key word in this issue; it would be preferable to not have to end a relationship but sometimes you simply must. Life is not easy.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t bother me to lose someone I’d misperceived as a friend so long I still do have real friends, and there are certain people (not many, I’ll grant) whom I know beyond any reasonable doubt are genuine friends of mine. That is enough.

The particular person, incidentally, who inspired this rant by being crappy earlier today is someone whom I do consider an actual friend because of the high quality of their good attributes, but their fucked attributes are still very fucking annoying! Grrr!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Words Written Down In Such A Manner As To Form A Blog Post

Well, I lied. I didn’t mean to! It was one of those accidental lies. Honest. You know, it amazes me how quickly it can slip from a Sunday into a Friday. What a fool was I to have said that I would be back again tomorrow when I ended up not being back ’til today, which was tomorrow yesterday but not Sunday’s follow-up day. Ask any old person and I think you’ll find that most say that one moves out of baby nappies and into old-folk nappies very fucking swiftly!

Been working at my art, which is good. Makes me feel good. I’m working to the maxim of writer and cartoonist James Thurber, who said, ‘Don’t get it right, get it written.’ It’s coming along fine so far, and that is good.

I found out my results today for my essay and group presentation for my drama subject. I think it translates to a credit for the essay and an high distinction for the group performance wherein I played Edward Gordon Craig, British revolutionary of the theatre. For the subject I am supposing that I shall receive a distinction overall, and I’d be content with that. I’m hoping I’m not over-calculating. (Is that the right phrase? Oh, well, you knows what I means.) I must say, my tutor is not the shiniest berry on the bush, so to speak, and her system for marking is certainly not the most reasonable I have ever encountered. For example, she marked me down in places where I feel she should not have, and marked me up in other places where I clearly didn’t deserve it. University teachers: a generally mediocre breed. Not that I’m saying I’ve been much more than a mediocre student…

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Hello Again, Dear Daisy-Trodders!

Things got a bit hectic for me for a while there – uni. work slammed frantically to a halt for the semester, and an old friend, recently returned from a year working in London with his rock ’n’ roll band, Van Lustbäder, came to town to perform, and stayed with me. (You can check their site from my ‘Links’ if you feel like it.) Then, of course, there’s the regular dampness, stagnant qi, and excessive liver heat, which, in Shantoozy’s opinion, is what’s largely responsible for my ongoing fatigue of mind, body and spirit. However, all this would not have been, in itself, reason for my having not impressed a blog post here for over three weeks. The fact is that I have been feeling ‘up in the air’ with my life lately. I hate being this way, and, even though it is but a temporary state, it has been making me feel less than inspired.

Party to this state is an uncertainty as to the exact direction I want to take with my art; that is, with my writing and illustrations with which to decorate the writing, or, perhaps conversely, words for decorating my drawings. I feel confident that this shall all come clear in time, of course, and until then I must simply wait. It has long been generally decreed by fellows of my species that patience is a virtue, and I guess they are correct, but it’s also an unavoidable necessity at times, so too bad if it happened instead to be a deadly sin, what-ho! But I suppose that’s not really what they mean; they mean, be calm rather than tense while waiting, even if the magazines are old and boring.

I termed them ‘my’ species just now, incidentally, because I assume there may well be at least one non-human peruser of this blog, given how many galaxies there are and what a mystery is the substance gold and such. Isn’t that funny? – you know, the universe and black holes containing alternate universes and such?

Anyway, “Hello!” again to you, Dear Daisy-Trodders. I’ll leave off there for now. Back again tomorrow shall I be. My mind’s a bit foggy.

Kind of like my street a few weeks ago when I took these eerie, early morning photographs that I now leave you with: