Daisies In The Gutter

My Photo
Location: Melbourne, Australia

writer, actor, poseur

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Hay, Hey

I’ve been feeling really wasted lately, which is partly to blame for my lack of posting on mi blog. However, I’ve started a treatment of acupuncture and boiled herb broth so disgusting tasting I thought my mouth was going to be permanently disfigured from the pained contortions they put it through, so hopefully that’ll help. I think maybe I am getting another cold or something, or have hay-fever, or hey-Judaism, where you become a piano-playing, bearded Beatle or some such. I’d love to be one of those people of whom it can be said, “ He was never sick a day in his life.” Although, that doesn’t stop the sentence degrading into, “But then he just dropped down dead one day, aged 50.”

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Various Vicissitudes Aside...

Hello again all! Yes, I have been away too long, I know, I know. Please, as The Kinks say, stop your sobbing. … Oh, you mean to say you’re not crying because I was … oh, I see, well, then, rest assured I shan’t be staying long. Fine!

(He-he, and a jolly good laugh was had by all over that cute opener.)

But, seriously, this is just a quick ‘pop-in’ post to assure you all that I still breath here in this virtual gutter.

The main reason it has taken me so long to post again is that I’ve been wanting to compose a little paragraph or so in tribute to Kurt Vonnegut, who recently passed away, as you doubtless are all aware. I’ve been busy with uni. shit and dealing with the various vicissitudes of my body and mind, and once again I find my feet lagging behind the days on the calendar.

Anyways, I shall produce that post real soon, and then onwards and beyond unto the realms of more musings and illiteracy from the bilious gut, er, of the Idyller.