Portable Thoughtables
I was depressed today because of some o.c.d.-related (at least I think it may be correct to term them as that, but then this here bracketed clarification may well be o.c.d.-related in itself – arghh, I HATE this aspect of my mind!) worries that had been overwhelming me but I’ve chatted to Shantoozy who is wonderful at helping my brain, and helping me get into a state where I can think up ways myself for helping my brain, and now I’m feeling a lot better. Of course (and this is not being pessimistic but rather just realistic, borne of much past experience), the worries will return but hopefully I can quash them forever in good time.
On another subject, my writing is coming along okay but in the next week or two I’m going to hopefully have a laptop computer, which will really help me. It shall just be a dirt-cheap older model that I (hopefully) find at the computer swap meet at Collingwood Town Hall. I’m expecting the battery to be dead or dying so I’ll need to plug it into to a power outlet but, still, I’ll be able to move it around the house, have it in bed with me (on top of my lap) or even, with the assistance of an extension cord, out in the yard if I want to. There’s something about being portable – I don’t know, maybe it appeals to the trampishness in my nature – but somehow it really seems to help inspire me in my literary endeavours. I like the feeling of freedom it gives – free range to venture anywhere in the multi-coloured universe of my mind – anywhere, that is, where three slanty little holes incise the eternally stretching brick wall at the parameters of my cosmos of cognition.
On another subject, my writing is coming along okay but in the next week or two I’m going to hopefully have a laptop computer, which will really help me. It shall just be a dirt-cheap older model that I (hopefully) find at the computer swap meet at Collingwood Town Hall. I’m expecting the battery to be dead or dying so I’ll need to plug it into to a power outlet but, still, I’ll be able to move it around the house, have it in bed with me (on top of my lap) or even, with the assistance of an extension cord, out in the yard if I want to. There’s something about being portable – I don’t know, maybe it appeals to the trampishness in my nature – but somehow it really seems to help inspire me in my literary endeavours. I like the feeling of freedom it gives – free range to venture anywhere in the multi-coloured universe of my mind – anywhere, that is, where three slanty little holes incise the eternally stretching brick wall at the parameters of my cosmos of cognition.