Daisies In The Gutter

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Location: Melbourne, Australia

writer, actor, poseur

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Happy New Year, Earthlings!

Well, it's not exactly the day after my last post but installment 4 is here finally. Aren't you relieved?

To continue...

I spent New Year’s Eve with HissyKitty and her partner S., and, of course, Shantoozy. We all agreed it would be amusing to dress up and go to a goth club, so we did. (I remember that Rupert and I had wanted to do so, for entertainment purposes, a while back, but we never had, so I embraced the opportunity now.) We attended an event in the city, called 'Lash'. Didn't stick around there for long, though, as HissyKitty and Shantoozy wanted to go and hang out in the Botanical Gardens. We saw some of the fireworks and then spent an interminable time trying to cross the bridge over the Yarra River, stuck as we were in a massive, conjested crowd of revellers, but eventually we got to the Gardens and had a good ol' time with our brains in unnaturally enhanced states. I'd have liked to return to the club, as would S., but the femmes were adamantly not into it. It was a pretty good night over-all.

More soon!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My Holiday by Edels, mental-age zero

I was in Queensland again, over the Xmas period, up ’til New Year’s Eve’s eve. Familial visitations. The weather, usually unfit for an Edels of my Irish-stock physique, was unseasonably acceptable, warm but not excessively hot, and not very humid; except for the last two days, which were not feral, yet, still, not to my liking. I still needed the air conditioning most of the time, but could handle it when it was not available so long as a fan was.

We spent Xmas Eve with Shantoo’s family, Xmas Day with my family, and Beat-’Em-Brutally-With-Boxes Day back with Shantoo’s family at her Aunty L’s house in the mountains.

Shantoo and I stayed at the house of one of my sister’s on the night of Xmas Day, where I drank excessively, something which I had only recently been able to do, and this is due, I believe, to the fact that I now know I have type-2 diabetes and am on medication and a better diet (except for the boozing, but, hey, it was the festive season!). I actually need to improve my diet some more still, but I have an appointment with diabetes specialist and dietician type humans next month so that should help me out there. More on this ailment in another post.

(And some of this post has been shamelessly pilfered by me from Shantoo’s blog, so apologies to those who may be hearing some of the same stories twice.)

Apparently, at Shantoo’s family’s house the festivities were not going so well. Her sister, T, loves playing pool volleyball whenever there is a gathering so she and her sister, C, and her 70-something plastic surgery victim Aunty B all got in the pool and were playing when C sister asked if anyone minded if she played topless, and there were no objections. After a while, however, Aunty B got jealous and declared her boobs to be just as good as Shantoo’s youngest sister’s and took her top off as well! Sister C was horrified that her 70-something year-old Aunty was taking her top off in front of her 29 year-old boyfriend. Shantoo’s family is a little bit ‘normal’ perhaps, but only a little.

… Okay, instalment 4 coming tomorrow, kiddlies!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Writing Of Writing

To continue along my backlog of Terran exploits:

Writing of writing, as I was yesterday, things are looking positive for my having some writing, and an illustration, published in an hard copy anthology over in the States. I won’t be paid for my work but the publication is legitimate and the fellow behind it seems to genuinely like the work of mine that he has seen so far. So, hopefully, I shall be in print soon! Small cookies, of course, but it’s a step up from merely being published on the internet.

Not that there’s anything wrong with internet publishing – I’ve done some myself and shall no doubt do some more – but I’ve never been all that enthused by it. I suppose this is because it’s pretty darn easy to do – whether on a 'net-page of one’s own or by having a piece ‘published’ on someone-else’s site, it’s less significant to me because it’s considerably easier for someone to ‘print’ your wordings on the internet than for them to produce, or get produced, an actual, physical document. If someone is going to put in the effort to produce a professional, or even semi-professional, hardcopy volume of writings and they want to include some of your own work then, well, that seems to me to be a bit more significant, is all.

So, yeah, it’s a nice little recent seedling in my life, which shall hopefully come to fruition soon.

…Tune in tomorrow for part 3 in the mildly interesting saga of what I’ve been up to recently!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Well, Well, Well... Well?

Okay, ’bout time I updated this fucker – ’tis a different year now, after all.

Well, well, well, how are we all? Well, I hope.

For your catching-up pleasure, I shall delineate some of my existential, experiential, monumental stuff and nonsense – in other words, sheit what I’s been doin’. Here’s the first part:

I received my uni. results for the final two subjects I had to do to complete First Year. Did well in English – a solid B. Was kept just 1/2 a percent away from a B in Theatre, though, same as in 1st semester. They obviously don’t fancy the idea of my undertaking Honours within their school, but that’s okay because neither do I. I actually received a letter from the English Dept. inviting me to major in English and go on to do Honours if I keep my results high enough, and this sounds more like it to me! Although, I am also considering possibly majoring and, if I am able, doing Honours in Cinema Studies. I’m not sure either way yet but I’m thinking that teaching movies may prove more fun (and less hard work) than teaching literature, when (or if) I eventually need to get an academic job to support my (possible – or probable?) insufficiently remunerative writing career. Then again, becoming a literary professor may make more sense, my being a writer and all. Besides (and this sounds more appealing), I’d prefer to try teaching the creative side of writing, rather than, say, the history of the modern English novel. Hmmm… I’ll have to see what transpires in the forthcoming school year.